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Parent Teacher Organization


Our PTO contributes a great deal to our children’s learning experience! We encourage you to participate in our fundraising programs and attend parent meetings. The PTO assists with field trips and supports our special events such as the Christmas program, fund-raisers, special guest performances, book fairs, picture day, and the school picnic.


Volunteers are needed in many areas for school events. Please watch your email every Tuesday for the weekly PTO Connection for scheduled events, updates, and volunteer opportunities. We appreciate your participation!​


Field Trips/Activities

Fees for trips and events are due at registration. A permission card must be on file in the school office and fees paid for your child to participate. We travel by walking, chartered bus, or parent vehicles.


Spirit Wear/Ordering

Each child will need to wear a school T-shirt or sweatshirt on outside school field trips. Every Friday is school Spirit Wear day! T-Shirts may be ordered at any time through this link. School T-shirts or sweatshirts worn on field trips must be purple or green.


Parent volunteers are usually welcome to accompany us on field trips, though in some situations this may not be possible. Our insurance requires that we keep a copy of all volunteers’ drivers’ licenses in our files. Siblings are not permitted to attend field tips unless the director has given permission.



Each family is required to pay $25.00 per child in PTO dues once a year to support student enrichment and activities.


2024-25 PTO Leadership Team

President: Kristin Giolas

Vice President: Porsche' Moody

Secretary: Madison Mattas

Treasurer: Kristen Hoekstra

Community Outreach: Laura Pedroni & Meredith Nathan

Information Manager: Dontrice Mcfowler


Contact Us!

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24-25 PTO Announcements​

  • Questions, suggestions, and concerns regarding PTO activities may be directed to PTO president, Kristin Giolas: 

  • Help MCMA bring healthy food into the classrooms! Sign up to bring food for the Healthy Snack Basket in your child's classroom: 
    Ms. Ana's Class
    Ms. Kelly's Class
    Ms. Heather's Class
    Ms. Marilu's Class

  • Parent volunteers are welcome during lunch and recess from
    12 - 1 PM! To schedule a time to volunteer, please email Kristin Giolas:

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